About the NH SILC

About the NH SILC

The Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) identifies and sets priorities for Independent Living services and activities in New Hampshire, ensuring participation by persons with disabilities in the planning process of the State Plan for Independent Living. Each state and US territory is required to maintain a statewide independent living council.

All members of the SILC are appointed by the Governor and the majority are individuals with disabilities. Other members include parents and legal guardians of individuals with disabilities, advocates of and for individuals with disabilities, persons from organizations that provide services to individuals with disabilities, representatives of Centers for Independent Living, and persons from private business.

The NH SILC’s mission is to provide leadership and advocacy in NH in support of the Independent Living philosophy. We are charged by federal law to create and provide to the Federal Government the Statewide Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) for New Hampshire.


  • Promotes an Independent Living philosophy in New Hampshire for persons with disabilities while advocating for access, full participation, and self-determination.
  • Collaborates with appropriate agencies, councils, and organizations statewide to promote the Independent Living philosophy.
  • Advocates for housing, transportation, transition services, employment and recreation that enhance and enable individuals to live independently.
  • Gathers information on an annual basis to improve independent living services.
  • Advises the Governor and state agencies regarding independent living issues.


NH SILC Website: https://silcnh.org/

NH SILC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/

NH SILC Twitter: https://twitter.com/NH_SILC