About the State Plan for Independent Living

About the State Plan for Independent Living

The State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) provides for establishment of the SILC and a plan for funding the administrative costs of the SILC, referred to as the SILC resource plan. The SILC functions include monitoring, reviewing, and evaluating the implementation of the SPIL. It is critical that SILC autonomy over the SILC resource plan is recognized by the State as necessary to carry out the functions and authorities of the SILC.

The SPIL shows how federal, state, and other funds will be used to support the state’s independent living programs as well as collaborations with other partners in the state and other ACL grantees to enhance and expand service delivery and options for individuals with disabilities.

Sec. 704(a) of The Rehabilitation Act, as amended requires the review and revision of the SPIL, not less than once every three years, to ensure the existence of appropriate planning, financial support and coordination, and other assistance to appropriately address, on a statewide and comprehensive basis, needs in the state for:

(A) the provision of independent living services in the state.

(B) the development and support of a statewide network of Centers for Independent Living.

(C) working relationships and collaboration between Centers for Independent Living; entities carrying out programs that provide independent living services to persons with disabilities and individuals as they age; other community-based organizations that provide or coordinate the provision of housing, transportation, employment, information & referral assistance, services & supports for individuals with significant disabilities; and entities carrying out other programs providing services for individuals with disabilities.