SILC NH Members

Membership List

The Statewide Independent Living Council of New Hampshire’s (SILC NH) membership consists of officers, members, and ex-officio members. 

Members and Officers

  1. Randy Pierce
    • Chair
  2. Deborah Ritcey
    • First Vice-Chair 
  3. Ryan Witterschein
    • Second Vice-Chair
  4. Sarah Sweeney
    • Secretary
  5. Carrie Dudley
    • Immediate Past Chair
  6. Krystal Chase
  7. Jennifer Cook
  8. Ryan Donnelly
  9. Andrew Harmon
  10. Joshua Gehling
  11. Robert Kallin
  12. Michelle McConaghy
  13. Isadora Rodriguez-Legendre


  1. Scott Vittner
    • Designated State Entity
    • Services for the Blind and Vision Impaired 
    • NH Department of Education: Bureau of Vocational Rehabilition 
  2. Amy Clark
    • Older Blind Representative 
    • Services for the Blind and Vision Impaired
    • NH Department of Education: Bureau of Vocational Rehabilition